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COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester

Core-Shell Particle

  • Cholesterol-bonded reversed phase core-shell column
  • Use under the same condition as C18 columns
  • Better selectivity for cis-trans isomers, polyphenols, and natural products
Packing Material COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester
USP code L101
Silica gel Core-shell type silica gel
Average particle size 2.6 µm
Average pore size approx. 90Å
Specific surface area approx. 150 m2/g
Stationary phase Cholesteryl Group
Endcapping treatment Yes
Usable pH range  2 - 7.5
Maximum pressure 60 MPa
>> Click here to COSMOCORE Development Kit 

Comparison with C18

COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester offers improved separation for cis-trans isomers than C18 under typical reversed-phase mobile phase.

Column size: 2.1 mmI.D. x 100 mm
Mobile phase: Methanol
Flow rate: 0.4 ml/min
Temperature: 40°C
Detection: UV 280 nm
Sample: 1. Vitamin K2 (0.50 mg/ml)
2. Trans-Vitamin K1 (0.50 mg/ml)
3. Cis-Vitamin K1
Inj. Vol.: 0.5 µl

Separation Properties

COSMOCRE 2.6Cholester has the same hydrophobicity as C18. It is not necessary to change the analytical conditions when replacing C18 Columns with COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester.

Column size: 2.1 mmI.D. x 100 mm
Mobile phase: Acetonitrile : H2O = 50 : 50
Flow rate: 0.4 ml/min
Temperature: 40°C
Detection: UV 254 nm
Sample: 1. Uracil
2. Methyl Benzoate
3. Toluene
4. Naphthalene
Inj. Vol.: 0.25 µl

Molecular Shape Selectivity

COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester has excellent shape slectivity due to its structural rigidity. COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester retains planar Triphenylene longer than Triphenylene stereoscopic o-Terphenyl.

Column size: 2.1 mmI.D. x 100 mm
Mobile phase: Acetonitrile : H2O = 70 : 30
Flow rate: 0.4 ml/min
Temperature: 40°C
Detection: UV 254 nm
Sample: 1. o-Terphenyl (0.25 mg/ml)
2. Triphenylene (0.50 mg/ml)
Inj. Vol.: 0.5 µl

Scaling Up from Analytical to Preparative Separation

COSMOCORE 2.6Cholestrer has the same functional group as the fully-porous COSMOSIL Cholester 5 µm silica packing material. Therefore, the separation pattern in COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester is maintained when scaling up to preparative separation with 5 µm COSMOSIL Cholester.

Mobile phase: Methanol
Flow rate: (2.1 mmI.D.) 0.4 ml/min
(4.6 mmI.D.) 1.0 ml/min
(10.0 mmI.D.) 5.0 ml/min
Temperature: 40°C
Detection: UV 280 nm
Sample: 1. trans-Vitamin K1
2. cis-Vitamin K1

Application: Separation of natural components (Tomato Components)

Lycopene exists in many cis-trans isomers. COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester separates these compounds better than C18.

Column size: 3.0 mmI.D. x 50 mm
Mobile phase: (2.6C18) Acetonitrile : H2O = 95 : 5
(2.6Cholester) Acetonitrile
Flow rate: 1.0 ml/min
Temperature: 40°C
Detection: UV 470 nm
Sample: 1. Lycopene
2. β-Carotene
Inj. Vol.: 0.5 µl

Application: Separation of Catechin

Column size: 2.1 mmI.D. x 50 mm
Mobile phase: A; Acetonitrile : 0.1% H3PO4 = 10 : 90
B; Acetonitrile : 0.1% H3PO4 = 40 : 60
B conc. 0 → 100% 3 min Linear gradient
Flow rate: 0.6 ml/min
Temperature: 30°C
Detection: UV 280 nm
Sample: 1. (-)-Gallocatechin[(-)-GC]
2. Caffeine
3. (-)-Epigallocatechin[(-)-EGC]
4. (-)-Catechin[(-)-C]
5. (-)-Epicatechin[(-)-EC]
6. (-)-Epigallocatechin G allate[(-)-EGCg]
7. (-)-Gallocatechin Gallate[(-)-GCg]
8. (-)-Epicatechin Gallate[(-)-ECg]
9. (-)-Catechin Gallat[(-)-Cg]

Poster: Differentiate Δ9-THC from Δ8-THC by Reversed-Phase Core-Shell HPLC Column

Click here to download (pdf)







The number of reference for COSMOSIL Cholesterol Bonded Stationary Phase

The number of COSMOSIL Cholester reference has grown to over 100 since its introduction in 2005.
(Reference Search: Google Scholar, as of July 2014)

Figure 1: The number of reference of COSMOSIL Cholester and 2.5Cholester

» Information on COSMOSIL Cholester (5 µm)
» Information on COSMOSIL 2.5Cholester (2.5 µm)


Usage information

Column2.6 COSMOCORE Cholester
I.D. (mm)2.134.6
Washing method 1. Remove buffer, salts and/or acid from column: wash for 10-15 min. using the mobile phase last used, without buffer, salts or acid. For example, if your mobile phase was 50:50 methanol/20 mmol/l phosphate buffer, wash with 50:50 methanol/water.

2. (If you used a buffer, always do step 1 first!) Remove adsorbed compounds and fix unstable baselines by washing with methanol and/or THF.
Storage conditions Short-term (up to a week):
Remove buffer, salts and/or acid from column: wash for 10-15 min. using the mobile phase last used, without buffer, salts or acid. For example, if your mobile phase was 50:50 methanol/20 mmol/l phosphate buffer, wash with 50:50 methanol/water.

Remove buffer, salts and/or acid from column: wash for 10-15 min. using the mobile phase last used, without buffer, salts or acid. Then, replace the solvent with 70% methanol or acetonitrile : 30% water.

In either case, tightly plug the column, and store in a cool and dry place.
Usable pH range pH 2-7.5
Max. pressure 60MPa
Temperature range The maximum usable temperature is 60°C. However. for regular use, please use at a constant temperature between 20°C and 50°C.
Usable solvents Any solvent that will not dissolve the silica gel (such as alkaline solutions) or cleave the stationary phase (such as very acidic solutions) is usable.
Note: For solvents with high viscosity, please watch the system pressure and keep it below 60 MPa. Also, please wash the column after using acidic mobile phases or solvents with high freezing points.
Other instructions - Buffer concentration is usually sufficient at 0.005 - 0.02 mol/L.
- Always filter mobile phases using a 0.45 µm or finer filter before use.

Ordering Information

COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester Packed Column
Product Cat.No. PKG Size Price  
COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester Packed Column, 2.1mmI.D. x 30mm 12858-91 1 pkg 697.00
COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester Packed Column, 2.1mmI.D. x 50mm 12859-81 1 pkg 712.00
COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester Packed Column, 2.1mmI.D. x 75mm 12860-41 1 pkg 798.00
COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester Packed Column, 2.1mmI.D. x 100mm 12861-31 1 pkg 814.00
COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester Packed Column, 2.1mmI.D. x 150mm 12862-21 1 pkg 867.00
COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester Packed Column, 3.0mmI.D. x 30mm 12863-11 1 pkg 697.00
COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester Packed Column, 3.0mmI.D. x 50mm 12864-01 1 pkg 712.00
COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester Packed Column, 3.0mmI.D. x 75mm 12866-81 1 pkg 798.00
COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester Packed Column, 3.0mmI.D. x 100mm 12867-71 1 pkg 814.00
COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester Packed Column, 3.0mmI.D. x 150mm 12868-61 1 pkg 867.00
COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester Packed Column, 4.6mmI.D. x 30mm 12869-51 1 pkg 711.00
COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester Packed Column, 4.6mmI.D. x 50mm 12870-11 1 pkg 712.00
COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester Packed Column, 4.6mmI.D. x 75mm 12871-01 1 pkg 798.00
COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester Packed Column, 4.6mmI.D. x 100mm 12872-91 1 pkg 814.00
COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester Packed Column, 4.6mmI.D. x 150mm 12873-81 1 pkg 873.00
COSMOCORE 2.6Cholester Packed Column, 4.6mmI.D. x 250mm 12875-61 1 pkg 1,110.00
Product Cat.No. PKG Size Price  
U-Fil UHPLC-compatible prefilter 12571-31 1 pkg 160.00