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Core-Shell Particle / COSMOCORE UHPLC Columns


  • Ultra-high performance LC results with conventional HPLC equipment
  • Same number of theoretical plates as sub-2 µm columns with half the back pressure
  • Increased loading capacity
  • Excellent pH stability (1.5-10)
Silica gel Core-shell type silica gel Bonding type Polymeric
Average particle size 2.6 µm Main interaction Hydrophobic interaction
Core average diameter 1.6 µm Endcapping treatment Near-perfect treatment
Average pore size approx. 90Å Carbon content approx. 7%
Specific surface area approx. 150 m2/g Usable pH range 1.5 - 10
Stationary phase Octadecyl group Maximum pressure 60 MPa

 >> Click here to COSMOCORE Development Kit 

Excelent pH Stability

Under accelerated pH 10.4, 40°C stability test, COSMOCORE C18 column shows superior stability compared with other core shell C18 phases.


Column size:
2.1 mmI.D. x 100 mm
Mobile phase:
0.35% Ammonium hydroxide : Acetonitrile = 90 : 10 (pH 10.4)
Flow rate:
0.4 ml/min
Caffeine (0.05 mg/ml)
Inj. Vol.:
1.0 µl

Same Performance and Lower Back Pressure Compared to Sub-2 mm Particles

COSMOCORE 2.6C18 maintains the same performance as sub-2 µm particles with half the back pressure.

Column: COSMOCORE 2.6C18 ... Core shell (2.6 µm)    Company A ... Fully porous (1.7 µm, C18)
Column size: 2.1 mmI.D. x 100 mm
Mobile phase: Acetonitrile : Water = 60 : 40
Temperature: 40°C
Detection: UV 254 nm
Sample: 1. Benzene, 2. Toluene, 3. Ethylbenzene, 4. Propylbenzene, 5. Butylbenzene, 6. Amylbenzene    (conc. 2.0 mg/ml)
Injection vol.: 0.5 µl

Reduced Back Pressure and Faster Analyses

COSMOCORE 2.6C18 delivers performance equivalent to sub-2 µm particles at faster flow rate and analysis time while maintaining a lower back pressure. COSMOCORE can also be used in longer column size to gain additional resolution.

Column size: 2.1 mmI.D. x 50 mm
Mobile phase: Acetonitrile : Water = 70 : 30
Temperature: 40°C
Sample: Amylbenzene

Higher Retention and Loading Capacity than Competitors' Core-Shell Columns

  • Retention
    COSMOCORE 2.6C18 features high retention and better separation compared to other core-shell columns
Column size: 2.1 mmI.D. x 50 mm
Mobile phase: A: Acetonitrile : Water = 50 : 50
B: Acetonitrile : Water = 80 : 20
B conc. 0 → 100% (0-4 min.), 100% (4-5 min.)
Flow rate: 0.4 ml/min
Temperature: 40°C
Detection: UV 254 nm
Sample: 1. Benzene,    2. Toluene,    3. Ethylbenzene,    4. Propylbenzene
5. Butylbenzene,    6. Amylbenzene,    (conc. 2.0 mg/ml)
Injection vol.: 5 µl


  • Higher Loading Capacity
    In general, core-shell particles have less surface area and less bonded phase than fully porous particles. COSMOCORE 2.6C18, however, with a large amount of bonded phase, exhibits both high retention and high loading capacity. When injecting 5-10 times more sample volumes in the trace component analysis, COSMOCORE minimizes peak splitting due to the sample over loading.
Column size: 2.1 mmI.D. x 50 mm
Mobile phase: A: Acetonitrile : Water = 50 : 50
B: Acetonitrile : Water = 80 : 20
B conc. 0 → 100% (0-4 min.), 100% (4-5 min.)
Flow rate: 0.4 ml/min
Temperature: 40°C
Detection: UV 254 nm
Sample: 1. Benzene, 2. Toluene, 3. Ethylbenzene, 4. Propylbenzene
5. Butylbenzene, 6. Amylbenzene, (conc. 2.0 mg/ml)
Injection vol.: 5 µl

Low bleed - Suitable for LC-MS

COSMOCORE 2.6C18 has low column bleed, and consequently low MS noise level.

Column size: 2.1 mmI.D. x 50 mm
Mobile phase: A: 0.1% Formic Acid      B: Acetonitrile
B conc. 5 → 100% (0-5 min.), 100% (5-10 min.),  100 → 5% (10-11 min.), 5% (11-17 min.)
Flow rate: 0.2 ml/min
Temperature: 40°C
Detection: MS (TIC (+), MW 50-1000)

Durability test

COSMOCORE 2.6C18 exhibits high durability. There is no significant deterioration in retention or peak shape after 1,000 injection of amitriptyline.

Column size: 2.1 mmI.D. x 50 mm
Mobile phase: A: 0.1% TFA : Water
B: 0.1% TFA : Acetonitrile
B conc. 5 → 90% (0-3 min.), 90 → 5% (3-3.01 min.), 5% (3.01 - 6 min.)
Flow rate: 0.4 ml/min
Temperature: 40°C
Detection: UV 236 nm
Sample: Amitriptyline (0.2 mg/ml)
Injection vol.: 1.0 µl

Differences between lots / Sharp Peaks with Many Types of Compounds

COSMOCORE 2.6C18 features a special endcapping treatment that effectively shields residual silanol groups, yielding sharp peaks for basic compounds and metal coordination complexes.

Analysis of phosphorothioated DNA oligonucleotides

Oligonucleotide research has exploded in recent years, requiring new and sophisticated techniques not only in their application, but also analysis. Phosphorothioate modification of oligonucleotides (S-oligos) is a technique used to improve stability and slow degradation by nucleases. In the synthesis of S-oligos it is imperative that modifications are as directed, whether it be a partially or fully modified S-oligo. COSMOCORE 2.6C18 columns are shown here in a method to elucidate minute differences in chemical modification with excellent resolution.

Figure 1: Overlaid chromatograms of fully and partially phosphorothioated DNA oligos. Excellent resolution is observed between oligos of the same length and differing number of modifications.

Acquisition method:

Column: COSMOCORE 2.6C18
Column Size: 2.1 x 100 mm
Mobile Phase: A: 100mM TEAA water; B: Acetonitrile
Gradient: 10 → 25 %B (0 → 10 min)
Flow Rate: 0.4 mL/min
Temperature: 50°C
Detection: UV 260
Sample: Phosphorothioate modified DNA oligos
Inj. Vol.: 1 µL

Sample sequences:

A: 20-mer All PS

B: 20-mer 1PO 5'

C: 20-mer 2PO 5'+ middle

T* = phosphorothioate linkage

COSMOSIL Application Search

COSMOSIL Application, which includes more than 7,700 applications using COSMOSIL/COSMOCORE columns, is now usable by clicking the link below which is in Nacalai Tesque, Inc. The application is searchable by sample category, sample name, CAS No., column name and particle size

Ordering Information

COSMOCORE 2.6C18 Packed Column
Product Cat.No. PKG Size Price  
COSMOCORE 2.6C18 Packed Column, 2.1mmI.D. x 30mm 12632-31 1 pkg 669.00
COSMOCORE 2.6C18 Packed Column, 2.1mmI.D. x 50mm 12631-41 1 pkg 717.00
COSMOCORE 2.6C18 Packed Column, 2.1mmI.D. x 75mm 12630-51 1 pkg 792.00
COSMOCORE 2.6C18 Packed Column, 2.1mmI.D. x 100mm 12614-71 1 pkg 814.00
COSMOCORE 2.6C18 Packed Column, 2.1mmI.D. x 150mm 12612-91 1 pkg 862.00
COSMOCORE 2.6C18 Packed Column, 3.0mmI.D. x 30mm 12611-01 1 pkg 669.00
COSMOCORE 2.6C18 Packed Column, 3.0mmI.D. x 50mm 12609-51 1 pkg 717.00
COSMOCORE 2.6C18 Packed Column, 3.0mmI.D. x 75mm 12608-61 1 pkg 792.00
COSMOCORE 2.6C18 Packed Column, 3.0mmI.D. x 100mm 12607-71 1 pkg 814.00
COSMOCORE 2.6C18 Packed Column, 3.0mmI.D. x 150mm 12602-21 1 pkg 862.00
COSMOCORE 2.6C18 Packed Column, 4.6mmI.D. x 30mm 12601-31 1 pkg 669.00
COSMOCORE 2.6C18 Packed Column, 4.6mmI.D. x 50mm 12600-41 1 pkg 717.00
COSMOCORE 2.6C18 Packed Column, 4.6mmI.D. x 75mm 12599-91 1 pkg 792.00
COSMOCORE 2.6C18 Packed Column, 4.6mmI.D. x 100mm 12598-01 1 pkg 814.00
COSMOCORE 2.6C18 Packed Column, 4.6mmI.D. x 150mm 12597-11 1 pkg 873.00
COSMOCORE 2.6C18 Packed Column, 4.6mmI.D. x 250mm 12596-21 1 pkg 990.00
Product Cat.No. PKG Size Price  
U-Fil UHPLC-compatible prefilter 12571-31 1 pkg 160.00