We are pleased to inform you all that COSMOSIL had its 40th anniversary in 2020. The reason we are able to celebrate this anniversary is truly because of you all. We sincerely appreciate our customers choosing COSMOSIL, and we hope COSMOSIL contributes to the success of your work for years to come.
Announcement of COSMOSIL 40th Anniversary (Nacalai Tesque, Inc.)
COSMOSIL Application Data
COSMOSIL Selection Guide / Technical Note
Core-Shell Based Columns (COSMOCORE)
Reversed Phase Specialty Columns
Reversed Phase C18 Series
Other Reversed Phase Columns
Chiral Separation Columns
Normal Phase Columns
Hydrophilic Interaction Columns
Mono- and Oligosaccharide Analysis Columns
Protein Separation Columns
mRNA and Oligonucleotides Purification
Fullerene Separation Columns
Soluble Carbon Nanotube Separation Columns
SFC (Supercritical Fluid Chromatography) Columns
Preparative Packing Materials for Column Chromatography
HPLC Accessories
Online Clearance Sale Begins
ChromaNik Technologies, Inc.
SunShell HPLC Columns
SunShell SFC Columns
SunArmor HPLC Columns
Sunniest: A Novel Bonding Technique!
Sunrise: Silanol Activity Controlled HPLC Columns
ArmorShell HPLC Columns
SunBridge - Ultra Hybrid C18 Column
L-column, L-column2, L-column3 by CERI (Chemical Evaluation and Research Institute)
The solvent evaporator for fast and easy evaporation of DMSO, DMF, and water.