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Others / Hydrophilic interaction

COSMOSIL HILIC is a new column for hydrophilic interaction chromatography with Triazole bonded silica packing material. The hydrophilic interaction chromatography is a variation of normal phase chromatography where a polar stationary phase is used with a mobile phase which contains a high concentration of organic solvent and a low concentration of aqueous eluent. The main retention mechanism is the partitioning of the polar analytes between the polar stationary and the non-polar mobile phase. As it is also called "aqueous normal phase", the elution order is similar to that of normal phase and the sample elution is in the order of increasing hydrophilicity. Without using ion-pair reagent COSMOSIL HILIC retains highly polar analytes that would not be retained in reversed phase chromatography. It also shows a weak anion-exchange mechanism with the positively charged stationary phase, thus acidic compound is strongly retained.

USP code L104
Silica gel High purity porous spherical silica gel
Average particle size 2.5 µm 5 µm
Average pore size approx. 130Å approx. 120Á
Specific surface area approx. 330m²/g approx. 300m²/g
Stationary phase Triazole
Main interaction Hydrophilic interaction

Comparison with C18 column

COSMOSIL HILIC can separate Glycine and Glycylglycine without ion-pair reagent. Although C18 column can separate them with ion-pair reagents, there are some disadvantages such as column equilibration, preparation of mobile phase and column deterioration.


Different Interactions

Separation of Anionic Compounds

Anionic compounds were used to evaluate the anion-exchange capability. The only COSMOSIL HILIC showed strong selectivity of anionic compounds.


Separation by Hydrophilic Interaction

The retention mechanism of COSMOSIL HILIC is the combination of hydrophilic interaction and anion-exchange, and the retention can be controlled by changing the mobile phase.


Separation of Acidic, Basic and Neutral Compounds

Acidic (Glyceric Acid), basic (Tris) and neutral (meso-Erythritol) compounds were used for evaluation of anion and cationexchange characteristics. The separation factor a(Acid/Neutral) indicates its anion-exchange capability and the factor a(Basic/ Neutral) shows its cation-exchange effect.

Analysis of Taurine and Hypotaurine by HILIC

Taurine is a biologically significant molecule with a zwitterionic character, which makes it a difficult analysis target. COSMOSIL HILIC has a unique anion-exchange mechanism which allows strong retention of taurine with good peak shape. It is USP packing type L104, specified on the official monogram for taurine.

>> USP revision notice for taurine (PDF file)


Application Data

▶  Melamine analysis by HPLC and LC/MS/MS (PDF)

Melamine Allantoins
BCAA (Amino Acid Branched-chain) Juice Components
Phosphorylated Saccharides Water-soluble Vitamins
Hydrophilic Drugs Natural Products

Combination with C18 columns

Selection of Mobile Phase

Following are the recommended mobile phases for different samples.

- Neutral Compounds Acetonitrile / Water = 90 / 10
- Basic Compounds Acetonitrile / 10mmol/l CH3COONH4 = 90 / 10
- Amphoteric Compounds Acetonitrile / 10mmol/l CH3COONH4 = 70 / 30
- Acidic Compounds Acetonitrile / 10mmol/l CH3COONH4 = 50 / 50
  (not eluted) → Acetonitrile / 10mmol/l Phosphatase buffer (pH7.0) = 50 / 50

Usage Information

Column5 µm HILIC
I.D. (mm)
Washing method
  1. Remove buffer, salts and/or acid from column: wash for 10-15 min. using the mobile phase last used, without buffer, salts or acid. For example, if your mobile phase was 50:50 acetonitrile/20 mmol/l phosphate buffer, wash with 50:50 acetonitrile/water.
  2. Remove adsorbed compounds and fix unstable baselines: Wash with 50:50 acetonitrile/water or up to 100% water.
Storage conditions Remove buffer, salts and/or acid from column: wash for 10-15 min. using the mobile phase last used, without buffer, salts or acid.
Then, replace the solvent with 90:10 acetonitrile/water.

Tightly plug the column, and store in a cool and dry place.
Usable pH range pH 2–7.5
Max. pressure 20MPa 15MPa
Temperature range The maximum usable temperature is 60°C. However. for regular use, please use at a constant temperature between 20°C and 50°C.
Usable solvents Acetonitrile/water mobile phases are recommended.
Other instructions
  • Retention increases with increased acetonitrile concentration.
  • Acetonitrile concentration should be within 0–95% (usually 50–95%).
  • Retention will decrease when using methanol/water mobile phases.
  • Only use HPLC-grade solvents.
  • It is necessary to use salts or buffers for dissociating compounds. However, these have low solubility in the high-organic mobile phases used in HILIC mode. Phosphate buffers, widely used in reversed-phase, are not suitable for HILIC for this reason. When using salts or buffers, the acetonitrile concentration should be 70% or less. Before use, please confirm that the additives are completely soluble in the mobile phase.
  • Neutral pH will maximize retention time.

Downloads / References

COSMOSIL HILIC Application Notebook

COSMOSIL HILIC Application Notebook contains about 200 chromatograms for the separation of polar compounds using COSMOSIL HILIC column. It also describes how the mobile phase conditions, such as buffer pH and salt concentration influence the separation in HILIC mode.

COSMOSIL HILIC Application Notebook
COSMOSIL HILIC Application Notebook (PDF) : 18.5 MB






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Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 102, 2015, 17-24)
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Yukiko Yamashita-Higuchi, Sachiko Sugimoto, Katsuyoshi Matsunami, Hideaki Otsuka, Takahito Nakai
Chem. Pharm. Bull., 62 (4), 2014, 364-372
Tetrodotoxin and paralytic shellfish poisons in gastropod species from Vietnam analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Hsiao-Chin Jen, Thi Anh-Tuyet Nguyen, Ya-Jung Wu, Tung Hoang, Osamu Arakawa, Wen-Feng Lin, Deng-Fwu Hwang
Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 22 (2), 2014, 178-188
Hyrtimomines, indole alkaloids from Okinawan marine sponges Hyrtios spp.
Naonobu Tanaka, Rei Momose, Azusa Takahashi-Nakaguchi, Tohru Gonoi, Jane Fromont, Jun'ichi Kobayashi
Tetrahedron, 70 (4), 2014, 832-837
Bromopyrrole Alkaloids from a Marine Sponge Agelas sp.
Taishi Kusama, Naonobu Tanaka, Azusa Takahashi-Nakaguchi, Tohru Gonoi, Jane Fromont, Jun’ichi Kobayashi
Chem. Pharm. Bull., 62 (5), 2014, 499-503
Recent advances in hydrophilic interaction chromatography for quantitative analysis of endogenous and pharmaceutical compounds in plasma samples
Muneki Isokawa, Takahiro Kanamori, Takashi Funatsu-- & Makoto Tsunoda--
Bioanalysis, 6 (18), 2014, 2421-2439
Synthesis of stationary phases containing pyridine, phenol, aniline and morpholine via click chemistry and their characterization and evaluation in supercritical fluid chromatography
Melissa Dunkle, Caroline West, Alberto Pereira, Steven Van der Plas, Annemieke Madder, William Farrell, Eric Lesellier, Frederic Lynen, Pat Sandra
Scientia Chromatographica, 6 (2), 2014, 85-103
Comparative assessment of achiral stationary phases for high throughput analysis in supercritical fluid chromatography
Katalin Ebinger, Harold N. Weller
Journal of Chromatography A, 1332 (7), 2014, 73-81
Effect of oxygen reduction during malaxation on the quality of extra virgin olive oil (Cv. Carboncella) extracted through “two-phase” and “three-phase” centrifugal decanters
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LWT - Food Science and Technology, 59 (1), 2014, 163-172
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COSMOSIL Application Search

COSMOSIL Application, which includes more than 7,700 applications using COSMOSIL/COSMOCORE columns, is now usable by clicking the link below which is in Nacalai Tesque, Inc. The application is searchable by sample category, sample name, CAS No., column name and particle size

Ordering Information

2.5 μm particle size
Product Description Cat.No. PKG Size Price  
COSMOSIL 2.5HILIC Packed Column (2.0 mmI.D. x 50 mm) End-Fitting: Waters type 11766-21 1 pkg 728.00

** Guard cartridges require a guard cartridge holder.
** #38009-79 has been discontinued. Alternative product is COSMOSIL Direct Cartridge Holder (#19989-71).