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StemFit Basic Series by Ajinomoto: iPS/ES Cell Culture Media

High-Performance iPS / ES Cell Culture Media for Basic and Clinical Research


StemFit Basic03 and Basic04 are capable of reprogramming, maintaining and differentiating human iPS and ES cells under feeder-free culture conditions.



  • Weekend-free feeding
  • Enabling single cell cloning
  • Providing high colony forming efficiency
  • Achieving high cost efficiency
*Basic04 Complete Type culture media contain 80 ng/ml of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF)

Media preparation

StemFit Basic03 and Basic03 GMP are provided frozen medium and can be stored at below -20 °C until use. Use sterile techniques when using this medium.

  1. Before use, thaw the frozen “Liquid A” and “Liquid B” with occasionally mixing at room temperature (15-25 °C). Do not thaw the frozen supplements at 37 °C, as it accelerates the degradation of medium ingredients.
  2. Aseptically mix medium components by adding the full volume of “Liquid B” to “Liquid A”. Mix thoroughly. If prepared aseptically, StemFit is ready for use.
  3. Upon thawing, StemFit medium may be aseptically aliquoted and stored at below -20 °C. Thawed StemFit may be stored at 2-8 °C for up to two weeks.
    Optional: We recommend storing the medium protected from light
  4. Before use, warm aliquots to room temperature and use immediately.

StemFit StemFit Basic04 Complete Type is provided frozen medium and can be stored at below -20 °C until use. Use sterile techniques when using this medium.

  1. Before use, thaw the frozen Basic04CT with occasionally mixing at room temperature (15-25 °C). Do not thaw, StemFit Basic04 Complete Type at 37°C, as it accelerates the degradation of medium ingredients.
    If precipitations are observed, keep the bottle at room temperature and dissolve them.
  2. Upon thawing, StemFit Basic04 Complete Type may be aseptically aliquoted and stored at below -20 °C. Thawed StemFit Basic04 Complete Type may be stored at 2-8 °C for up to two weeks.
    We recommend storing the medium protected from light.
  3. Before use, warm aliquots at room temperature and use immediately.

Easy transition from feeder-dependent to feeder-free culture

Feeder-dependent 201B7 iPSCs were transitioned to feeder-free conditions using respective cell adhesion substrates and seeded in StemFit®.

Superior performance

  • Superior growth performance on any matrices

  • Superior colony-forming efficiency from a single cell clone

  • Single-cell expansion

     Experience superior expansion with single-cell passaging and consistent performance with various matrices.


  • Top class cost-effectiveness


Weekend-free Feeding Schedules

Skip feeding on weekends for flexible scheduling

Precaution and disclaimer

StemFit Basic03 is for research use only and is not for diagnostic use, therapeutic use (including clinical research), or as a food.

StemFit Basic03 GMP is for research and further manufacturing use only. It is not for diagnostic use, therapeutic use, or as a food.

StemFit Basic04 Complete Type is for research use only and is not intended for diagnostic or therapeutic use.


Instruction videos

Culture media preparation

Passage protocol

Related products

Ordering Information

Product Storage Cat.No. PKG Size Price  
StemFit Basic03, 6 sets
(Liquid A: 400 mL / Liquid B: 100 mL)
-20°C BASIC03-6 6 x 1 set 4,350.00
StemFit Basic03 GMP Grade, 6 sets
(Liquid A: 400 mL / Liquid B: 100 mL)
-20°C BASIC03GMP-6 6 x 1 set - Inquire
Product Storage Cat.No. PKG Size Price  
StemFit Basic04 Complete Type
Ready-to-use, with bFGF added
-20°C BASIC04CT 500 mL 350.00
StemFit Basic04 Complete Type, 6 sets
Ready-to-use, with bFGF added
-20°C BASIC04CT-6 6 x 500 mL - Inquire

- The shipping fee for StemFit Basic03 GMP grade will be adjusted according to the quantity of the order. Please refer to your invoice for details.
- StemFit Basic02 and Basic04 have been discontinued. Please utilize the successor, StemFit Basic04 Complete Type.