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Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel

Ultra-Fast Protein Electrophoresis in 10 min! / Precast Gel: Gradient and Single Parcentage gels are available

Bullet PAGE Plus is a precast gel for high-speed electrophoresis. Despite being able to complete electrophoresis in approximately 10 minutes, it allows the use of Laemmli buffer for electrophoresis and sample preparation, resulting in sharp bands. Additionally, a wide range of gel concentrations is available in the lineup.

  • Only 10 minutes with 400 V
  • Wide range of gel concentrations
  • Works well in convenitional Laemmli running buffer and sample buffer
  • Surfactant-free, so can be used for nucleic acid analysis  *Please use 25mM Tris and 192 mM glycine buffer for nucleic acid electrophoresis. 


» Bullet PAGE One Precast Gel vs Laemmli gel 16x
(YouTube) YouTube

Bullet PAGE One Precast Gel vs Laemmli gel 16x

  • Only 10 minutes with 400 V
  • High transfer efficiency of proteins on western blot membrane
  • Works well in conventional Laemmli running buffer and sample buffer
  • 17-well gel is usable with multichannel pipet for consistent loading

» Bullet PAGE One Precast Gel vs Laemmli gel 16x
(YouTube) YouTube




  • Only 10 minutes with 400 V
  • High transfer efficiency of proteins on western blot membrane
  • Works well in conventional Laemmli running buffer and sample buffer
  • 17-well gel is usable with multichannel pipet for consistent loading

» Bullet PAGE One Precast Gel vs Laemmli gel 16x
(YouTube) YouTube





Performance Comparison

This product demonstrates separation ability and band sharpness comparable to conventional products, despite a short running time of about 10 minutes.

Product Name Bullet PAGE Plus Bullet PAGE One Company A Company B
Gel % 5 - 20% 5 - 20% 4 - 20% 4 - 12%
Product No. 21794-54 13064-64 - -
Electrophoresis Time 10 min 07 sec. 35 min 12 sec. 29 min 35 sec. 48 min 32 sec
Electrophoresis Images

Electrophoresis condition

Sample: Protein Markers (10x) (Prod No. 29458-24), 3 µl
Gel Staining: CBB Stain One (Prod No. 04543)
Voltage Constant: As per the recommended conditions for each product (Bullet PAGE One: 400 V, Extra PAGE One 300 V)

Comparison of Protein Transfer Efficiency

Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel shows a transfer efficiency equialent to company A products.

Transfer solution Bullet Semi-dry Transfer one (#15353-01)
Transfer condition 25V, 10 min

Bullet Page Plus

Company A

Image of after transfer

① Protein Ladder One Plus (Triple-color) (#19593-25) Dilute Protein Market (10x) (#29458-24) to achieve
② Protein Markers(3x) 2 µl added
➂ Protein Markers(1x) 2 µl added
④Protein Markers(1/3x) 2 µl added

PVDF membrane staining
Stain PVDF membrane with CBB Stain One (ready to use) (#04543).


 Western blotting: Detection of proteins by different sizes

Three proteins of different sizes were detected by western blotting after running by using this product. A wide range of proteins of different molecular weights, from low (Histone H3) to high (EGFR), could be detected, indicating that the product is applicable to western blotting.

Protein detection EGFR (175 kDa) β-Actin(42 kDa) Histon H3 (17 kDa)
Blotting image 


HeLa cell suspension (10 µg to 2-fold dilution series)
Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 5-20%, 17wells (#21794-54) 400 V
Bullet Semi-dry Transfer One (#15353-01) 25 V 10 min. Use PVDF (bore size; 0.45µm)
Bullet Blocking One for Western Blotting (#13779) for 5 mins at RT
Primary antibody:
[EGFR] EGF Receptor (D38B1) XP Rabbit mAb (CST #4267) 2,000x dilution
Signal Enhancer HIKARI for Western Blotting and ELISA
Dilute by Signal Enhancer HIKARI for Western Blotting and ELISA (#02270-81) A solution for 60 mins at RT
[β-Actin] β-Actin antibody(C4) (Santa Cruz #sc-47778) 1,000 x dilution
Dilute by Bullet ImmunoReaction Buffer (#18439-85) for 30 mins at RT
[Histone H3] Histone H3 (D1H2) XP Rabbit mAb (CST #4499) 2,000x dilution
Dilute by Bullet Blocking One for Western Blotting (#13779) for 60 mins at RT
Secondary Antibody:
Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) Secondary Antibody [HRP](Pre-adsorbed) (Novus #NB7187) 50,000x dilution
Signal Enhancer HIKARI for Western Blotting and ELISA
Dilute by Signal Enhancer HIKARI for Western Blotting and ELISA (#02270-81) B solution for 60 mins at RT
[β-Actin] β -Actin HRP-labeled Anti-Mouse IgG (self-prepared) 5,000x dilution
Diluted by Bullet ImmunoReaction Buffer (#18439-85) for 30 minutes at RT
[Histone H3] Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) Secondary Antibody [HRP] (Pre-adsorbed) (Novus #NB7187) 30,000x dilution
Diluted by Bullet Blocking One for Western Blotting (#13779) for 60 minutes at RT
[Histone H3]
Chemi-Lumi One Super (#02230)
Chemi-Lumi One L (#07880)
Chemi-Lumi One Super (#02230)
ChemiDoc Touch MP 3 × 3 binning (Bio-Rad Laboratories) (AUTO mode)

Gel Types

The following types of gradient and homogeneous gels are available.

Gel Gradient Gel
Gel concentration 5 - 10% 5 - 15% 5 - 20% 7.5 - 15% 10 - 20%
Product number13 wells 21789-34 21791-84 21793-64 21795-44 21797-24
17 wells 21790-94 21792-74 21794-54 21796-34 21798-14
Images of protein (SDS-PAGE)
Images of nucleic acids (PAGE)
Gel Homogeneous Gel
Gel concentration 7.5 % 10 % 12.5 % 15 %
 Product number  13 wells 21799-04  21801-44 21807-84  21853-74 
17 wells  21800-54 21806-94  21811-14  21854-64 
 Images of protein (SDS-PAGE)        
 Images of nucleic acids (PAGE)        

How to use

If use a power supply with maximum 300 V, please refer to the following running times. The running time is the time it takes for the BPB in the sample buffer to migrate to 5 mm above the lower edge of the gel. The running time varies slightly depending on the temperature of the running buffer and the gel concentration.

Voltage Running Time
Protein analysis (SDS-PAGE) Nucleic acids analysis (PAGE)
400 V About 10 min About 12 min
300 V About 16 min About 18 min

For protein analysis (SDS-PAGE), use 25 mM Tris, 192 mM glycine and 0.1% SDS buffer. For nucleic acid analysis (PAGE), use 25 mM Tris, 192 mM glycine buffer. It is recommended that no more than half the well volume (20 µL for 13 wells and 14 µL for 17 wells) of adding samples.

Product Specification

Glass Plate Size: W100mm x H80mm x T3.2mm
Gel Size: W80mm x H60mm x T1.0mm
Number of well (well capacity) 13-well (40 µl), 17-well (28µl) 


  • Use tank which can fit plates of size W100 mm × H80 mm × T3.2 mm.
    Recommended model: WEP-MN Vertical Electrophoresis Tank (Gellex International #WEP-MN)
  • Check the suitability of the electrophoresis system (e.g. plate size) and the performance of the power supply (e.g. power range) before use.




  1. Asano, Kosuke, et al. "An insulin-inducible transcription factor, SHARP-1, represses transcription of the SIRT1 longevity gene." Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports 22 (2020): 100743.

Ordering Information

Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel
Product Storage Cat.No. PKG Size Price  
Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 5-10%, 13wells 4-10°C 21789-34 10 sheets 139.00
Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 5-10%, 17wells 4-10°C 21790-94 10 sheets 139.00
Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 5-15%, 13wells 4-10°C 21791-84 10 sheets 139.00
Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 5-15%, 17wells 4-10°C 21792-74 10 sheets 139.00
Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 5-20%, 13wells 4-10°C 21793-64 10 sheets 139.00
Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 5-20%, 17wells 4-10°C 21794-54 10 sheets 139.00
Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 7.5-15%, 13wells 4-10°C 21795-44 10 sheets 139.00
Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 7.5-15%, 17wells 4-10°C 21796-34 10 sheets 139.00
Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 10-20%, 13wells 4-10°C 21797-24 10 sheets 139.00
Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 10-20%, 17wells 4-10°C 21798-14 10 sheets 139.00
Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 7.5%, 13wells 4-10°C 21799-04 10 sheets 139.00
Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 7.5%, 17wells 4-10°C 21800-54 10 sheets 139.00
Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 10%, 13wells 4-10°C 21801-44 10 sheets 139.00
Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 10%, 17wells 4-10°C 21806-94 10 sheets 139.00
Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 12.5%, 13wells 4-10°C 21807-84 10 sheets 139.00
Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 12.5%, 17wells 4-10°C 21811-14 10 sheets 139.00
Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 15%, 13wells 4-10°C 21853-74 10 sheets 139.00
Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 15%, 17wells 4-10°C 21854-64 10 sheets 139.00
Dummy Plate
Product Storage Cat.No. PKG Size Price  
Dummy Plate for Bullet PAGE Plus Room Temp. DP-B 1 plate 22.00