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RNase Quiet - Decontamination Spray

Easy to use spray type

  • Special Offer: 50% off RNase Quiet
  • until March 31, 2025
  • Promo Code: RNase25
RNase Quiet is a ready-to-use solution for eliminating DNase/RNase as well as DNA/RNA by wiping glass, plastic lab ware, bench surfaces, and other surfaces.
  • Removes RNase contamination effectively
  • Easy to use spray type
  • Easy to wipe with no detergent
  • Non-carcinogenic with no DEPC
RNase Quiet Spray Type

Application 1

Decontamination of cover glass

Decontamination of cover glass


  1. Apply 100 µl RNase A solution (1 mg/ml) on cover glasses and dry them.
  2. Spray with DEPC treated water or RNase Quiet and wait for 1 minute. Wipe thoroughly with a clean paper towel and then rinse with RNasefree sterile water.
  3. Apply 50 µl RNA Solution (40 µg/ml) on the cover glasses and incubate them at 37°C for 30 minutes.
  4. Apply 1 µl ethidium bromide solution (20 µg/ml) on the cover glasses with a pipette.
  5. Observe the cover glasses with UV.

Application 2

RNase and DNase decontamination of 1.5 ml micro-tubes

RNase and DNase decontamination of 1.5 ml micro-tubes


  1. RNase decontamination test
    (+): Add 10 µl RNase A solution (10 mg/ml) to a 1.5 ml micro-tubes. (-) Add 10 µl Lysate buffer to a 1.5 ml micro-tubes.
    DNase decontamination test
    (+): Add 10 µl RNase I solution (27.3 U/10 µl) to a 1.5 ml micro-tubes. And dry it up.  (-) Add 10 µl Lysate buffer to a 1.5 ml micro-tubes and dry it up.
  2. Add 1 ml DEPC treated water or RNase Quiet and wait for 1 minute.
  3. Remove the solution from the tube and rinse those with 1 ml of DEPC-treated water. 
  4. Remove the DEPC-treated water from the tubes and add 25 µl RNA Solution (40 µg/ml)  for RNase decontamination test; 25 µl DNA Solution (40 µg/ml)  and 1µl of 50 mmol/L magnesium chloride for DNase decontamination test, and incubate them at 37°C for 30 minutes.
  5. Analyze them using electrophoresis with 1% agarose gel including ethidium bromide.

Application 3

Decontamination Efficiency

RNA Decontamination test DNA decontamination test
RNA decontamination test DNA decontamination test

① RNase Quiet 100% ② RNase Quiet 80% ③ RNase Quiet 60%

④ RNase Quiet 40% ⑤ RNase Quiet 20%  ⑥ DEPC treated water


  1.  Add 2.5 µl RNase A solution (0.4 mg/ml) or 2.5 µl DNase A solution (0.4 mg/ml)  in 1.5 ml micro-tubes.
  2. Add each concentration of RNase Quiet solution as mentioned above and 20 µl of DEPC treated water into a tube, and then incubate them for 5 mins.
  3. Analyze them with agarose gel electrophresis with ethdium bromide. 



Cleaning bench surface 

Apply directly to the surface to be cleaned. Wipe thoroughly with a paper towel. Rinse with RNase-free water and then dry with a clean towel.

Cleaning lab apparatus

Apply RNase Quiet liberally to a paper towel and wipe all exposed surfaces of the apparatus thoroughly. Rinse with RNase-free water and then wipe to dry. Some small parts may be cleaned by briefly soaking them in RNase Quiet for 2 minutes, rinse them in RNase-free water and then dry.

Cleaning plastic and glass lab ware

Add enough RNase Quiet so that the entire surface of the lab ware can be soaked with the solution upon swirling or vortex. After discarding the solution, rinse lab ware thoroughly two times with RNase-free water.

Cleaning pipettes

Remove shaft from a pipette following the manufacturer's instruction. Soak the shaft for one minute in RNase Quiet. Rinse the shaft thoroughly with RNase-free water and then reassemble the pipette. Apply RNase Quiet liberally to a paper towel and wipe all exposed surfaces of the other components thoroughly. Rinse with RNase-free water and then wipe to dry. Do not clean piston compartments.

* Use RNase Quiet by itself. Do not use on metals, such as aluminum, or mix with acidic solutions, because harmful gas will form. Handle this alkaline solution carefully.  



 RNase Quiet (PDF)

Ordering Information

Product Storage Cat.No. PKG Size Price  
RNase Quiet RT NU02004 475 mL 70.00