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One-step Gel Staining Reagent: CosmoPAGE Bullet CBB

For Fast Gel Staining in 15 minutes / Ready-to-Use

  • Special Offer: 30% off CosmoPAGE Bullet CBB
  • until April 30, 2025
  • Promo Code: BC25

CosmoPAGE Bullet CBB is the simplest and fastest product for staining protein electrophoresis gels using Coomassie Brilliant Blue (CBB). CosmoPAGE Bullet CBB requires no pre- or post-treatment of the gel. Simply add CosmoPAGE Bullet CBB after running the protein gel, and the bands will appear in just a few seconds, without the need for destaining.



  • Fast Staining -  One-step staining in 15 minutes.

  • Easy to Use -     No need for pretreatment, washing, destaining or microwaving.

  • Safe Use -           No harmful methanol or acetic acid is contained.

CosmoPAGE Bullet CBB

Staining pattern in the CosmoPAGE Bullet CBB
15-min staining / No destaining Staining pattern in the CosmoPAGE Bullet CBB


Protocol for staining mini-gel

  1. Gently mix CosmoPAGE Bullet CBB by inverting the bottle a couple times before use.

  2. Pour 20 mL of CosmoPAGE Bullet CBB into a container. Ensure that the amount used is sufficient to fully immerse the entire gel.

  3. After completing electrophoresis, carefully transfer the gel to the container specified in step 2. Gently shake the container at room temperature to allow the gel to stain for 15 minutes. *Washing before staining is not required.

  4. Observe the stained image. For the observation, refer to the reference data under <Data 1>.

  5. For a clearer stained image, stain for at least 60 minutes and then destain in purified water for at least 60 minutes. Refer to the reference data under <Data 2>.


Reference Data

<Data 1> For observation of the stained image

After 15 minutes of staining, a stained image is visible even if the gel remains in the staining solution. However, for clearer observation, remove the gel from the staining solution and place it on a white board or gently rinse it with purified water.

 CosmoPAGE Bullet CBB stained image

Experimental conditions:
Sampel: Protein Marker (10x) for SDS-PAGE prepared Lane 1: 3x, Lane 2: 1x, Lane 3: 1/3x, Lane 4: 1/10x, 2 μl added.
HeLa cell lysate, Lane 5: 10 μg, Lane 6: 2 μg, added.
SDS-PAGE: Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 5-20%, 17 wells (Cat. No.: 21794-54). Run at 400V constant voltage for approx. 10 minutes.
Detection: Capture using a smartphone.



<Data 2> Comparison of stained images between ‘15-min staining’ and ‘60-min destaining’

After 15 minutes of staining, stained bands are visible even without destaining. However, for clearer stained image, it is recommended to stain and destain for 60 minutes each.

Comparison of stained images - CosmoPAGE Bullet CBB

Experimental conditions:
Sampel: Protein Marker (10x) for SDS-PAGE prepared Lane 1: 3x, Lane 2: 1x, Lane 3: 1/3x, Lane 4: 1/10x, 2 μl added.
SDS-PAGE: ・Extra PAGE One Precast Gel, 5-20%, 13 wells (Cat. No.: 13063-74). Run at 300V constant voltage for approx. 30 minutes.
                    ・Handmade Laemmli-gel, 12%, 12 wells. Run at 200V constant voltage for approx. 50 minutes.
Detection: Capture using a scanner.


  • Wear protective equipment (such as safety goggles, rubber gloves, etc.) while handling CosmoPAGE Bullet CBB.

  • CosmoPAGE Bullet CBB is an acidic dye solution. After use, discard it in accordance with the regulations in your region.

Ordering Information

Product Storage Cat.No. PKG Size Price  
CosmoPAGE Bullet CBB 4°C NU01003 500 ml 98.00